Chapter 14

  1. No answer required.
  2. No answer required.
  3. Sum integers
    // Sum the integers between two entered by user.
            .arch armv8-a
    // Stack frame
            .equ    x, 16
            .equ    y, 20
            .equ    FRAME, 32
    // Constant data
            .section  .rodata
            .align  3
            .string "Enter an integer: "
            .string "%i"
            .string "The sum is %i\n"
            .align  2
            .global main
            .type   main, %function
            sub     sp, sp, FRAME   // Allocate our stack frame
            stp     fp, lr, [sp]    // Create stack frame
            mov     fp, sp          // Set our frame pointer
            adr     x0, prompt      // Ask for integer 
            bl      printf
            add     x1, sp, x       // Place for first int
            adr     x0, in_format   // scanf format string
            bl      scanf           // Get the int
            adr     x0, prompt      // Ask for integer 
            bl      printf
            add     x1, sp, y       // Place for second int
            adr     x0, in_format   // scanf format string
            bl      scanf           // Get the int
            ldr     w0, [sp, x]
            ldr     w1, [sp, y]
            bl      add_ints        // Add them
            mov     w1, w0
            adr     x0, out_format
            bl      printf
            mov     w0, wzr         // Return 0
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp]    // Restore fp and lr
            add     sp, sp, FRAME   // Delete stack frame
            ret                     // Back to caller
    // Add all integers between two integers and return the sum.
    // Calling sequence:
    //    w0 <- one integer
    //    w1 <- another integer
    //    Returns sum
            .arch armv8-a
            .align  2
            .global add_ints
            .type   add_ints, %function
            cmp     w0, w1                // Check for lower
            b.lo    in_order
            mov     w2, w0                // Out of order, swap
            mov     w0, w1
            mov     w1, w2
            mov     w2, w0                // Accumulate sum in w2
            cmp     w0, w1                // Added all of them?
            b.hs    done                  // Yes
            add     w0, w0, 1             // Next int
            add     w2, w2, w0            // Add to accmulator
            b       loop                  // And keep adding
            mov     w0, w2                // Return sum
            ret                           // Back to caller
  4. You will need these functions for many of the Your Turn exercises in the rest of the book.
    // Writes a char to the standard output (screen).
    // Calling sequence:
    //       w0 <- char to be written
    // returns 0
    #ifndef WRITE_CHAR_H
    #define WRITE_CHAR_H
    int write_char(char);
    // Writes a char to the standard output (screen).
    // Calling sequence:
    //       w0 <- char to be written
    // returns 0
            .arch   armv8-a
    // Useful constants
            .equ    STDOUT, 1
    // Stack frame
            .equ    a_char, 16
            .equ    FRAME, 32 
    // The code
            .align  2
            .global write_char
            .type   write_char, %function
            stp     fp, lr, [sp, -FRAME]! // Create stack frame
            mov     fp, sp                // Set our frame pointer
            strb    w0, [sp, a_char]      // Store input char
            mov     w2, 1                 // Write 1 byte
            add     x1, sp, a_char        // Address of char
            mov     w0, STDOUT            // Write to screen
            bl      write
            mov     w0, wzr               // Return 0
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp], FRAME   // Delete stack frame
    // Writes a C-style text string to the standard output (screen).
    // Calling sequence:
    //       x0 <- address of string to be written
    // returns number of characters written
    #ifndef WRITE_STR_H
    #define WRITE_STR_H
    int write_str(char *);
    // Writes a C-style text string to the standard output (screen).
    // Calling sequence:
    //       x0 <- address of string to be written
    // returns number of characters written
            .arch   armv8-a
    // Useful constants
            .equ    STDOUT, 1
            .equ    NUL, 0
    // Stack frame
            .equ    save1920, 16
            .equ    FRAME, 32 
    // The code
            .align  2
            .global write_str
            .type   write_str, %function
            stp     fp, lr, [sp, -FRAME]! // Create stack frame
            mov     fp, sp                // Set our frame pointer
            stp     x19, x20, [sp, save1920]  // Save regs
            mov     x19, x0               // Address of string
            mov     w20, wzr              // count = 0
            ldrb    w0, [x19]             // Get a char
            cmp     w0, NUL               // End of string?
            b.eq     done                 // Yes, all done
            mov     w2, 1                 // No, write 1 byte
            mov     x1, x19               // Address of current char
            mov     w0, STDOUT            // Write to screen
            bl      write
            add     x19, x19, 1           // Increment pointer var
            add     w20, w20, 1           // count++
            b       while                 // Back to top
            mov     w0, w20               // Return count
            ldp     x19, x20, [sp, save1920]  // Restore regs
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp], FRAME   // Delete stack frame
    // Reads a line (through the '\n') from standard input. Does not
    // stores '\n' and any characters beyond maximum. Appends NUL at
    // end of stored characters. Allow maximum + 1 for character storage.
    // Calling sequence:
    //        x0 <- address of place to store string
    //        w1 <- maximum characters to store
    // returns number of characters read
    #ifndef READ_STR_H
    #define READ_STR_H
    int read_str(char *, int);
    // Reads a line (through the '\n') from standard input. Does not
    // stores '\n' and any characters beyond maximum. Appends NUL at
    // end of stored characters. Allow maximum + 1 for character storage.
    // Calling sequence:
    //        x0 <- address of place to store string
    //        w1 <- maximum characters to store
    // returns number of characters read
            .arch   armv8-a
    // Useful constants
            .equ    STDIN, 0
            .equ    NUL, 0
            .equ    LF, 10          // '\n' in Linux
    // Stack frame
            .equ    save1920, 16
            .equ    save21, 32
            .equ    FRAME, 48 
    // The code
            .align  2
            .global read_str
            .type   read_str, %function
            stp     fp, lr, [sp, -FRAME]! // Create stack frame
            mov     fp, sp                // Set our frame pointer
            stp     x19, x20, [sp, save1920]  // Save regs
            str     x21, [sp, save21]
            mov     x19, x0               // Address of string
            mov     w20, wzr              // count = 0
            mov     w21, w1               // Max chars
            mov     w2, 1                 // Read 1 byte
            mov     x1, x19               // Place to store current char
            mov     w0, STDIN             // Read from keyboard
            bl      read
            ldrb    w0, [x19]             // Get just read char
            cmp     w0, LF                // return key?
            b.eq    end_input             // Yes, end of input
            cmp     w20, w21              // No, is caller's array full?
      read_loop             // Yes, read but don't keep
            add     x19, x19, 1           // no, next byte
            add     w20, w20, 1           // count++
            b       read_loop             // Back to reading
            mov     w0, NUL               // String terminator
            strb    wzr, [x19]            // Replace LF
            mov     w0, w20               // Return count
            ldr     w21, [sp, save21]     // Restore regs
            ldp     x19, x20, [sp, save1920]
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp], FRAME   // Delete stack frame
  5. Count times called
    // Compare scope and lifetime of automatic, static,
    // and global variables.
            .arch armv8-a
    // Useful names
            .equ    INIT_X, 12
            .equ    INIT_Y, 34
            .equ    INIT_Z, 56
    // Stack frame
            .equ    x, 24
            .equ    y, 28
            .equ    FRAME, 32
    // Code
            .global z
            .align  2
            .type   z, %object
            .size   z, 4
            .word   INIT_Z
            .section  .rodata
            .string "           automatic   static   global"
            .string "                   x        y        z"
            .string "In main:%12i %8i %8i\n"
            .align  2
            .global main
            .type   main, %function
            stp     fp, lr, [sp, -FRAME]!   // create our stack frame
            mov     fp, sp                  // set our frame pointer
            mov     w0, INIT_X
            str     w0, [sp, x]             // x = INIT_X;
            mov     w0, INIT_Y
            str     w0, [sp, y]             // y = INIT_Y;
            adr     x0, heading0            // print 2-line header
            bl      puts
            adr     x0, heading1
            bl      puts
            adr     x0, z 
            ldr     w3, [x0]                // global z
            ldr     w2, [sp, y]             // local y
            ldr     w1, [sp, x]             // and local x
            adr     x0, msg                 // show values
            bl      printf
            bl      add_const               // add constants
            bl      add_const               //     twice
            adr     x0, z                   // repeat display
            ldr     w3, [x0]
            ldr     w2, [sp, y]
            ldr     w1, [sp, x]
            adr     x0, msg
            bl      printf
            mov     w0, wzr                 // return 0
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp], FRAME     // restore fp, lr, sp
            ret                             // back to caller
    // Add constant to automatic, static, global variables.
            .arch armv8-a
    // Useful names
            .equ    INIT_X, 78
            .equ    INIT_Y, 90
            .equ    ADDITION, 1000
    // Stack frame
            .equ    x, 28
            .equ    FRAME, 32
    // Code
            .align  2
            .type   y, %object
            .size   y, 4
            .word   INIT_Y
            .align  2
            .type   count, %object
            .size   count, 4
            .word   0
            .section  .rodata
            .string "In add_const:%7i %8i %8i, call number %i\n"
            .align  2
            .global add_const
            .type   add_const, %function
            stp     fp, lr, [sp, -FRAME]!   // Create stack frame
            mov     fp, sp                  // Set frame pointer
            mov     w0, INIT_X
            add     w0, w0, ADDITION        // Add constant
            str     w0, [sp, x]             // x += ADDITION
            adr     x0, y
            ldr     w1, [x0]                // Load our y
            add     w1, w1, ADDITION        // Add constant
            str     w1, [x0]                // y += ADDITION    
            adrp    x0, :got:z              // z page number
            ldr     x0, [x0, :got_lo12:z]   // z address
            ldr     w1, [x0]                // load z
            add     w1, w1, ADDITION        // add constant
            str     w1, [x0]                // z += ADDITION;
            adr     x0, count
            ldr     w4, [x0]                // Load our count
            add     w4, w4, 1               // Increment
            str     w4, [x0]    
            adrp    x0, :got:z              // z page number
            ldr     x0, [x0, :got_lo12:z]   // z address
            ldr     w3, [x0]                // load z
            adr     x0, y
            ldr     w2, [x0]                // Load our y
            ldr     w1, [sp, x]             // load our x
            adr     x0, msg                 // message
            bl      printf
            mov     w0, wzr                 // Return 0
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp], FRAME     // Delete stack frame
  6. The name decoration of the static variable, y, is the same for both functions, y.0. This label is local to the file for each function, and the assembler figures out the offset to the label when it assembles each file independently from the other files in the program.