You will need these functions for many of the Your Turn exercises in the rest of the book.
// Writes a char to the standard output (screen).
// Calling sequence:
// w0 <- char to be written
// returns 0
#ifndef WRITE_CHAR_H
#define WRITE_CHAR_H
int write_char(char);
// Writes a char to the standard output (screen).
// Calling sequence:
// w0 <- char to be written
// returns 0
.arch armv8-a
// Useful constants
.equ STDOUT, 1
// Stack frame
.equ a_char, 16
.equ FRAME, 32
// The code
.align 2
.global write_char
.type write_char, %function
stp fp, lr, [sp, -FRAME]! // Create stack frame
mov fp, sp // Set our frame pointer
strb w0, [sp, a_char] // Store input char
mov w2, 1 // Write 1 byte
add x1, sp, a_char // Address of char
mov w0, STDOUT // Write to screen
bl write
mov w0, wzr // Return 0
ldp fp, lr, [sp], FRAME // Delete stack frame
// Writes a C-style text string to the standard output (screen).
// Calling sequence:
// x0 <- address of string to be written
// returns number of characters written
#ifndef WRITE_STR_H
#define WRITE_STR_H
int write_str(char *);
// Writes a C-style text string to the standard output (screen).
// Calling sequence:
// x0 <- address of string to be written
// returns number of characters written
.arch armv8-a
// Useful constants
.equ STDOUT, 1
.equ NUL, 0
// Stack frame
.equ save1920, 16
.equ FRAME, 32
// The code
.align 2
.global write_str
.type write_str, %function
stp fp, lr, [sp, -FRAME]! // Create stack frame
mov fp, sp // Set our frame pointer
stp x19, x20, [sp, save1920] // Save regs
mov x19, x0 // Address of string
mov w20, wzr // count = 0
ldrb w0, [x19] // Get a char
cmp w0, NUL // End of string?
b.eq done // Yes, all done
mov w2, 1 // No, write 1 byte
mov x1, x19 // Address of current char
mov w0, STDOUT // Write to screen
bl write
add x19, x19, 1 // Increment pointer var
add w20, w20, 1 // count++
b while // Back to top
mov w0, w20 // Return count
ldp x19, x20, [sp, save1920] // Restore regs
ldp fp, lr, [sp], FRAME // Delete stack frame
// Reads a line (through the '\n') from standard input. Does not
// stores '\n' and any characters beyond maximum. Appends NUL at
// end of stored characters. Allow maximum + 1 for character storage.
// Calling sequence:
// x0 <- address of place to store string
// w1 <- maximum characters to store
// returns number of characters read
#ifndef READ_STR_H
#define READ_STR_H
int read_str(char *, int);
// Reads a line (through the '\n') from standard input. Does not
// stores '\n' and any characters beyond maximum. Appends NUL at
// end of stored characters. Allow maximum + 1 for character storage.
// Calling sequence:
// x0 <- address of place to store string
// w1 <- maximum characters to store
// returns number of characters read
.arch armv8-a
// Useful constants
.equ STDIN, 0
.equ NUL, 0
.equ LF, 10 // '\n' in Linux
// Stack frame
.equ save1920, 16
.equ save21, 32
.equ FRAME, 48
// The code
.align 2
.global read_str
.type read_str, %function
stp fp, lr, [sp, -FRAME]! // Create stack frame
mov fp, sp // Set our frame pointer
stp x19, x20, [sp, save1920] // Save regs
str x21, [sp, save21]
mov x19, x0 // Address of string
mov w20, wzr // count = 0
mov w21, w1 // Max chars
mov w2, 1 // Read 1 byte
mov x1, x19 // Place to store current char
mov w0, STDIN // Read from keyboard
bl read
ldrb w0, [x19] // Get just read char
cmp w0, LF // return key?
b.eq end_input // Yes, end of input
cmp w20, w21 // No, is caller's array full? read_loop // Yes, read but don't keep
add x19, x19, 1 // no, next byte
add w20, w20, 1 // count++
b read_loop // Back to reading
mov w0, NUL // String terminator
strb wzr, [x19] // Replace LF
mov w0, w20 // Return count
ldr w21, [sp, save21] // Restore regs
ldp x19, x20, [sp, save1920]
ldp fp, lr, [sp], FRAME // Delete stack frame
Count times called
// Compare scope and lifetime of automatic, static,
// and global variables.
.arch armv8-a
// Useful names
.equ INIT_X, 12
.equ INIT_Y, 34
.equ INIT_Z, 56
// Stack frame
.equ x, 24
.equ y, 28
.equ FRAME, 32
// Code
.global z
.align 2
.type z, %object
.size z, 4
.word INIT_Z
.section .rodata
.string " automatic static global"
.string " x y z"
.string "In main:%12i %8i %8i\n"
.align 2
.global main
.type main, %function
stp fp, lr, [sp, -FRAME]! // create our stack frame
mov fp, sp // set our frame pointer
mov w0, INIT_X
str w0, [sp, x] // x = INIT_X;
mov w0, INIT_Y
str w0, [sp, y] // y = INIT_Y;
adr x0, heading0 // print 2-line header
bl puts
adr x0, heading1
bl puts
adr x0, z
ldr w3, [x0] // global z
ldr w2, [sp, y] // local y
ldr w1, [sp, x] // and local x
adr x0, msg // show values
bl printf
bl add_const // add constants
bl add_const // twice
adr x0, z // repeat display
ldr w3, [x0]
ldr w2, [sp, y]
ldr w1, [sp, x]
adr x0, msg
bl printf
mov w0, wzr // return 0
ldp fp, lr, [sp], FRAME // restore fp, lr, sp
ret // back to caller
// Add constant to automatic, static, global variables.
.arch armv8-a
// Useful names
.equ INIT_X, 78
.equ INIT_Y, 90
.equ ADDITION, 1000
// Stack frame
.equ x, 28
.equ FRAME, 32
// Code
.align 2
.type y, %object
.size y, 4
.word INIT_Y
.align 2
.type count, %object
.size count, 4
.word 0
.section .rodata
.string "In add_const:%7i %8i %8i, call number %i\n"
.align 2
.global add_const
.type add_const, %function
stp fp, lr, [sp, -FRAME]! // Create stack frame
mov fp, sp // Set frame pointer
mov w0, INIT_X
add w0, w0, ADDITION // Add constant
str w0, [sp, x] // x += ADDITION
adr x0, y
ldr w1, [x0] // Load our y
add w1, w1, ADDITION // Add constant
str w1, [x0] // y += ADDITION
adrp x0, :got:z // z page number
ldr x0, [x0, :got_lo12:z] // z address
ldr w1, [x0] // load z
add w1, w1, ADDITION // add constant
str w1, [x0] // z += ADDITION;
adr x0, count
ldr w4, [x0] // Load our count
add w4, w4, 1 // Increment
str w4, [x0]
adrp x0, :got:z // z page number
ldr x0, [x0, :got_lo12:z] // z address
ldr w3, [x0] // load z
adr x0, y
ldr w2, [x0] // Load our y
ldr w1, [sp, x] // load our x
adr x0, msg // message
bl printf
mov w0, wzr // Return 0
ldp fp, lr, [sp], FRAME // Delete stack frame