Chapter 13

Page 276

  1. You can do this one on your own. When I did it, the while loop and for loop were implemented with exactly the same assembly language. The do-while loop was different, since it always executes the body of the loop at least once.
  2. # echoTyping.s
    # Echos your typing
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Useful constants
            .equ    STDIN,0
            .equ    STDOUT,1
            .equ    ENTER,'\n'
    # from asm/unistd_64.h
            .equ    READ,0
            .equ    WRITE,1
    # Stack frame
            .equ    theText,-128
            .equ    localSize,-128
    # Data
            .section    .rodata
            .ascii  "Enter up to 127 characters and press enter:\n"
            .equ    msg1size, .-msg1
            .ascii  "You entered:\n"
            .equ    msg2size, .-msg2
    # Code
            .text               # text segment
            .globl  main
            .type   main, @function
            push    rbp         # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp    # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            mov     rdx, msg1size   # prompt user
            lea     rsi, msg1[rip]
            mov     edi, STDOUT
            call    write@plt
            lea     rbx, theText[rbp]   # place to store input
            mov     rdx, 1      # one character
            mov     rsi, rbx
            mov     rdi, STDIN
            call    read@plt
            cmp     byte ptr [rbx], ENTER   # enter key?
            je      show        # yes, show user
            inc     rbx         # no, increment pointer
            jmp     readLoop    # and continue
            mov     rdx, msg2size   # show user
            lea     rsi, msg2[rip]
            mov     rdi, STDOUT
            call    write@plt
            lea     rbx, theText[rbp]   # place input stored
            mov     rdx, 1      # one character
            mov     rsi, rbx
            mov     rdi, STDOUT
            call    write@plt
            cmp     byte ptr [rbx], ENTER   # enter key?
            je      allDone     # yes, all done
            inc     rbx         # no, increment pointer
            jmp     writeLoop   # and continue
            mov     eax, 0      # return 0;
            mov     rsp, rbp    # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp         # and caller frame pointer
            ret                 # end program

Page 286

  1. # coinFlipsEndsMid.s
    # flips a coin, heads/tails
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Useful constants
            .equ    TOP, 1610612734    # top fourth of RAND_MAX
            .equ    BOTTOM, 536870911  # bottom fourth of RAND_MAX
            .equ    STACK_ALIGN, 8
    # Constant data
            .section .rodata
            .string	"heads"
            .string	"tails"
    # The code
            .globl  main
            .type   main, @function
            push    rbp         # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp    # set new frame pointer
            push    r12     # save, use for i
            sub     rsp, STACK_ALIGN
            mov     r12, 0  # i = 0;
            cmp     r12, 10 # any more?
            jae     done    # no, all done
            call    random@plt          # get a random number
            cmp     eax, BOTTOM         # in bottom fourth?
            jbe     heads               # yes, it's heads
            cmp     eax, TOP            # no, in top fourth?
            ja      heads               # yes, it's heads
            lea     rdi, tailsMsg[rip]  # neither, it was tails
            call    puts@plt
            jmp     next    # jump over else block
            lea     rdi, headsMsg[rip]  # it was heads
            call    puts@plt
    next:   inc     r12     # i++;
            jmp     for
            add     rsp, STACK_ALIGN    # realign stack ptr
            pop     r12     # restore for caller
            mov     rsp, rbp    # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp         # restore frame pointer
  2. The only thing you need to do is to change the limit in the for statement from 10 to 15. That changes only the cmp ebx, 10 at the .L2 label to cmp ebx, 15.

            .file   "switch_15.c"
            .intel_syntax noprefix
            .section        .rodata
            .string "i = 1"
            .string "i = 2"
            .string "i = 3"
            .string "i > 3"
            .globl  main
            .type   main, @function
            push    rbp
            mov     rbp, rsp
            push    r12
            push    rbx
            mov     ebx, 1
            jmp     .L2
            mov     r12d, ebx
            cmp     r12d, 3
            je      .L3
            cmp     r12d, 3
            jg      .L4
            cmp     r12d, 1
            je      .L5
            cmp     r12d, 2
            je      .L6
            jmp     .L4
            lea     rdi, .LC0[rip]
            call    puts@PLT
            jmp     .L7
            lea     rdi, .LC1[rip]
            call    puts@PLT
            jmp     .L7
            lea     rdi, .LC2[rip]
            call    puts@PLT
            jmp     .L7
            lea     rdi, .LC3[rip]
            call    puts@PLT
            add     ebx, 1
            cmp     ebx, 15
            jle     .L8
            mov     eax, 0
            pop     rbx
            pop     r12
            pop     rbp
            .size   main, .-main
            .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0"
            .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
  3. First, I changed the limit of the for statement from 10 to 15, and that gave me a segmentation fault. When using a jump table, we need to provide a place on the table for each possible case. You can see in the code here that I’ve added five entries on the table.
    # switch.s
    # Three-way switch using jump table
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Useful constants
            .equ    LIMIT, 15
    # Constant data
            .section  .rodata
            .string "i = 1"
            .string "i = 2"
            .string "i = 3"
            .string "i > 3"
    # Jump table
            .align 8
            .quad   one     # addresses where messages are
            .quad   two     #   printed
            .quad   three
            .quad   over
            .quad   over
            .quad   over
            .quad   over
            .quad   over
            .quad   over    # need an entry for
            .quad   over    #    each possibility
            .quad   over    # add five for additional
            .quad   over    #    possibilities
            .quad   over
            .quad   over
            .quad   over
    # Program code
            .globl  main
            .type   main, @function
            push    rbp         # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp    # set new frame pointer
            push    rbx
            push    r12         # save, use for i
            mov     r12, 1      # i = 1;
            cmp     r12, LIMIT  # at limit?
            ja      done        # yes, all done
    # List of cases
            lea     rax, jumpTable[rip]
            mov     rbx, r12    # current location in loop
            sub     rbx, 1      # count from 0
            shl     rbx, 3      # multiply by 8
            add     rax, rbx    # location in jumpTable
            mov     rax, [rax]  # get address from jumpTable
            jmp     rax         # jump there
            lea     rdi, oneMsg[rip]
            call    puts@plt    # display message
            jmp     endSwitch
            lea     rdi, twoMsg[rip]
            call    puts@PLT
            jmp     endSwitch
            lea     rdi, threeMsg[rip]
            call    puts@plt
            jmp     endSwitch
            lea     rdi, overMsg[rip]
            call    puts@plt
            inc     r12         # i++;
            jmp     for         # loop back
            mov     eax, 0      # return 0;
            pop     r12         # restore regs
            pop     rbx
            mov     rsp, rbp    # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp         # restore frame pointer