Chapter 14

Page 308

  1. # sum9Ints.s
    # Sums the integers 1 - 9.
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Stack frame
    #   passing arguments on stack (rsp)
    #     need 9x8 = 72 -> 80 bytes
            .equ    first,0
            .equ    second,8
            .equ    third,16
            .equ    fourth,24
            .equ    fifth,32
            .equ    sixth,40
            .equ    seventh,48
            .equ    eighth,56
            .equ    ninth,64
            .equ    argSize,-80
    #   local vars (rbp)
    #     need 10x4 = 40 -> 48 bytes for alignment
            .equ    i,-4
            .equ    h,-8
            .equ    g,-12
            .equ    f,-16
            .equ    e,-20
            .equ    d,-24
            .equ    c,-28
            .equ    b,-32
            .equ    a,-36
            .equ    total,-40
            .equ    localSize,-48
    # Read only data
            .section  .rodata
            .string "The sum is %i\n"
    # Code
            .globl  main
            .type   main, @function
            push    rbp             # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp        # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            mov     dword ptr a[rbp], 1 # initialize values
            mov	    dword ptr b[rbp], 2 #     etc...
            mov     dword ptr c[rbp], 3
            mov	    dword ptr d[rbp], 4
            mov	    dword ptr e[rbp], 5
            mov	    dword ptr f[rbp], 6
            mov	    dword ptr g[rbp], 7
            mov     dword ptr h[rbp], 8
            mov	    dword ptr i[rbp], 9
            add     rsp, argSize    # space for arguments
            mov     eax, i[rbp]     # load i
            mov     ninth[rsp], rax #   9th argument
            mov     eax, h[rbp]     # load h
            mov     eighth[rsp], rax  #   8th argument
            mov     eax, g[rbp]     # load g
            mov	    seventh[rsp], rax #   7th argument
            mov     eax, f[rbp]     # load f
            mov     sixth[rsp], rax #   6th argument
            mov     eax, e[rbp]     # load e
            mov     fifth[rsp], rax #   5th argument
            mov     eax, d[rbp]     # load d
            mov	    fourth[rsp], rax  #   4th argument
            mov     eax, c[rbp]     # load c
            mov     third[rsp], rax   #   3rd argument
            mov     eax, b[rbp]     # load b
            mov     second[rsp], rax  #   2nd argument
            mov     eax, a[rbp]     # load a
            mov	    first[rsp], rax #   1st argument
            call    addNine
            sub     rsp, argSize    # remove arguments
            mov     total[rbp], eax # total = sumNine(...)
            mov     esi, total[rbp] # show result
            lea     rdi, format[rip]
            mov     eax, 0
            call    printf@plt
            mov     eax, 0          # return 0;
            mov     rsp, rbp        # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp             # and caller frame pointer
    # addNine.s
    # Sums nine integer arguments and returns the total.
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Calling sequence:
    #       push one
    #       push two
    #       push three
    #       push four
    #       push five
    #       push six
    #       push seven
    #       push eight
    #       push nine
    #       returns sum
    # Stack frame
    #    arguments in stack frame
            .equ    one,16
            .equ    two,24
            .equ    three,32
            .equ    four,40
            .equ    five,48
            .equ    six,56
            .equ    seven,64
            .equ    eight,72
            .equ    nine,80
    #    local variables
            .equ    total,-4
            .equ    localSize,-16
    # Code
            .globl  addNine
            .type   addNine, @function
            push    rbp             # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp        # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            mov     eax, one[rbp]   # retrieve one
            add     eax, two[rbp]   # add two
            add     eax, three[rbp] # plus three
            add     eax, four[rbp]  # plus four
            add     eax, five[rbp]  # plus five
            add     eax, six[rbp]   # plus six
            add     eax, seven[rbp] # plus seven
            add     eax, eight[rbp] # plus eight
            add     eax, nine[rbp]  # plus nine
            mov     rsp, rbp    # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp         # and caller framee pointer
  2. # sumRange.s
    # Sums the integers 1 - 9.
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Stack frame
    #   local vars (rbp)
            .equ    nLow,-4
            .equ    nHigh,-8
            .equ    total,-12
            .equ    localSize,-16
    # Read only data
            .section  .rodata
            .string "%i"
            .string "Enter lower number: "
            .string "Enter higher number: "
            .string "Sum of all integers between them = %i\n"
    # Code
            .globl  main
            .type   main, @function
            push    rbp             # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp        # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            lea     rdi, lowerFormat[rip]   # ask for lower number
            mov     eax, 0
            call    printf@plt
            lea     rsi, nLow[rbp]  # get lower number
            lea     rdi, readFormat[rip]
            mov     eax, 0
            call    __isoc99_scanf@plt
            lea     rdi, higherFormat[rip]  # ask for higher number
            mov     eax, 0
            call    printf@plt
            lea     rsi, nHigh[rbp] # get higher number
            lea     rdi, readFormat[rip]
            mov     eax, 0
            call    __isoc99_scanf@plt
            mov     esi, nHigh[rbp] # nHigh
            mov     edi, nLow[rbp]  # nLow
            call    addRange
            mov     total[rbp], eax # total = sumNine(...)
            mov     esi, total[rbp] # show result
            lea     rdi, result[rip]
            mov     eax, 0
            call    printf@plt
            mov     eax, 0          # return 0;
            mov     rsp, rbp        # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp             # and caller frame pointer
    # addRange.s
    # Sums all integers between two integers and returns the total.
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Calling sequence:
    #       edi <- lower number
    #       esi <- higher number
    #       returns sum
    # Code
            .globl  addRange
            .type   addRange, @function
            push    rbp             # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp        # set new frame pointer
            mov     eax, edi        # start with lower number
            cmp     edi, esi        # are we there?
            jge     allDone         # yes, all done
            inc     edi             # no, next integer
            add     eax, edi        # add it in to total
            jmp     while           # and continue
            mov     rsp, rbp        # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp             # and caller frame pointer
  3. Don’t forget that we need C header files for our writeStr and readLn assembly language functions so we can call them from C. We’ll be using the writeStr and readLn functions in subsequent programs, so make sure that you get them to work correctly. I have placed the files in a common directory on my computer, and I link to them in any project directory that uses them. This avoids having multiple copies that may get out of sync.

    /* echo.c
    * Prompts user to enter text and echos it.
    #include "writeStr.h"
    #include "readLn.h"
    #define MAX 5
    int main(void)
      char text[MAX];
      writeStr("Enter some text: ");
      readLn(text, MAX);
      writeStr("You entered: ");
      return 0;
    /* writeStr.h
    * C header file for writeStr assembly language function
    * Writes a C-style text string to the standard output (screen).
    * Calling sequence:
    *       rdi <- address of string to be written
    *       call    writestr
    * returns number of characters written
    #ifndef WRITESTR_H
    #define WRITESTR_H
    int writeStr(char *);
    # writeStr.s
    # Writes a C-style text string to the standard output (screen).
    # Calling sequence:
    #       rdi <- address of string to be written
    #       call    writestr
    # returns number of characters written
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Useful constants
            .equ    STDOUT,1
            .equ    NUL,0
    # Stack frame, showing local variables and arguments
            .equ    stringAddr,-16
            .equ    count,-4
            .equ    localSize,-16
            .globl  writeStr
            .type   writeStr, @function
            push    rbp             # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp        # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            mov     stringAddr[rbp], rdi    # save string pointer
            mov     dword ptr count[rbp], 0 # count = 0;
            mov     rax, stringAddr[rbp]    # get current pointer
            cmp     byte ptr [rax], NUL     # at end yet?
            je      done             # yes, all done
            mov     edx, 1          # no, write one character
            mov     rsi, rax        # points to current char
            mov     edi, STDOUT     # on the screen
            call    write@plt
            inc     dword ptr count[rbp]    # count++;
            inc     qword ptr stringAddr[rbp] # stringAddr++;
            jmp     writeLoop       # and check for end
            mov     eax, count[rbp] # return total;
            mov     rsp, rbp        # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp             # and caller frame pointer
    /* readLn.h
    * C header file for readLn assembly language function
    * Reads a line (through the '\n' character from standard input. Deletes
    * the '\n' and creates a C-style text string.        
    * Calling sequence:
    *       rsi <- length of char array
    *       rdi <- address of place to store string
    *       call    readLn
    * returns number of characters read (not including NUL)
    #ifndef READLN_H
    #define READLN_H
    int readLn(char *, int);
    # readLn.s
    # Reads a line (through the '\n' character from standard input. Deletes
    # the '\n' and creates a C-style text string.        
    # Calling sequence:
    #       rsi <- length of char array
    #       rdi <- address of place to store string
    #       call    readLn
    # returns number of characters stored (not including NUL)
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Useful constant
            .equ    STDIN,0
    # Stack frame, showing local variables and arguments
            .equ    maxLength,-24
            .equ    stringAddr,-16
            .equ    count,-4
            .equ    localSize,-32
            .globl  readLn
            .type   readLn, @function
            push    rbp             # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp        # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            mov     maxLength[rbp], rsi  # save max storage space
            mov     stringAddr[rbp], rdi # save string pointer
            mov     dword ptr count[rbp], 0  # count = 0;
            sub     dword ptr maxLength[rbp], 1  # room for NUL char
            mov     edx, 1          # read one character
            mov     rsi, stringAddr[rbp]  # into storage area
            mov     edi, STDIN            # from keyboard
            call    read@plt
            mov     rax, stringAddr[rbp]  # get pointer
            cmp     byte ptr [rax], '\n'  # return key?
            je      endOfString           # yes, mark end of string
            mov     eax, count[rbp]       # current count
            cmp     maxLength[rbp], eax   # is caller's array full?
            jbe     skipStore             # yes, don't store
            inc     qword ptr stringAddr[rbp] # no, next byte
            inc     dword ptr count[rbp]      # count++;
            mov     edx, 1          # get another character
            mov     rsi, stringAddr[rbp]  # into storage area
            mov     edi, STDIN      # from keyboard
            call    read@plt
            jmp     readLoop        # and look at it
            mov     rax, stringAddr[rbp]  # current pointer
            mov     byte ptr [rax], 0     # mark end of string
            mov     eax, count[rbp] # return total;
            mov     rsp, rbp        # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp             # and caller frame pointer

Page 318

  1. Counting number of times addConst is called.

    # varLife.s
    # Compares scope and lifetime of automatic, static, and global variables.
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Stack frame
            .equ    x,-8
            .equ    y,-4
            .equ    localSize,-16
    # Useful constants
            .equ    INITx,12
            .equ    INITy,34
            .equ    INITz,56
            .section    .rodata
            .align  8
            .string "           automatic   static   global"
            .string "                   x        y        z"
            .string "In main:%12i %8i %8i\n"
    # Define global variable
            .align 4
            .globl  z
            .type   z, @object
            .int    INITz   # initialize the global
    # Code
            .globl  main
            .type   main, @function
            push    rbp         # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp    # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            mov     dword ptr x[rbp], INITx  # initialize locals
            mov     dword ptr y[rbp], INITy 
            lea     rdi, tableHead1[rip]    # print heading
            call    puts@plt
            lea     rdi, tableHead2[rip]
            call    puts@plt
            mov     ecx, z[rip]   # print variables
            mov     edx, y[rbp]
            mov     esi, x[rbp]
            lea     rdi, format[rip]
            mov     eax, 0
            call    printf@plt
            call    addConstCount       # add to variables
            call    addConstCount
            mov     ecx, z[rip]   # print variables
            mov     edx, y[rbp]
            mov     esi, x[rbp]
            lea     rdi, format[rip]
            mov     eax, 0
            call    printf@plt
            mov     eax, 0      # return 0;
            mov     rsp, rbp    # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp         # and caller frame pointer
    # addConst.s
    # Adds constant to automatic, static, global variables.
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Stack frame
            .equ    x,-4
            .equ    localSize,-16
    # Useful constants
            .equ    ADDITION,1000
            .equ    INITx,78
            .equ    INITy,90
            .equ    INITn,0
    # Constant data
            .section  .rodata
            .align  8
            .string "In addConst:%8i %8i %8i  called %i times\n"
    # Define static variables
            .align 4
            .type   y_addConst, @object
            .int    INITy
            .type   n_addConst, @object
            .int    INITn
    # Code
            .globl  addConstCount
            .type   addConstCount, @function
            push    rbp           # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp      # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            mov     dword ptr x[rbp], INITx   # initialize
            inc     dword ptr n_addConst[rip]
            add     dword ptr x[rbp], ADDITION # add to vars
            add     dword ptr y_addConst[rip], ADDITION
            add     dword ptr z[rip], ADDITION
            mov     r8d, n_addConst[rip]
            mov     ecx, z[rip]   # print variables
            mov     edx, y_addConst[rip]
            mov     esi, x[rbp]
            lea     rdi, format[rip]
            mov     eax, 0          # no floats
            call    printf@plt
            mov     eax, 0      # return 0;
            mov     rsp, rbp    # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp         # and caller frame pointer
  2. Two addConst functions that have separate static variables.

    # varLife2.s
    # Compares scope and lifetime of automatic, static, and global variables.
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Stack frame
            .equ    x,-8
            .equ    y,-4
            .equ    localSize,-16
    # Useful constants
            .equ    INITx,12
            .equ    INITy,34
            .equ    INITz,56
            .section    .rodata
            .align  8
            .string "           automatic   static   global"
            .string "                   x        y        z"
            .string "In main: %12i %8i %8i\n"
    # Define global variable
            .align 4
            .globl  z
            .type   z, @object
            .int    INITz   # initialize the global
    # Code
            .globl  main
            .type   main, @function
            push    rbp         # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp    # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            mov     dword ptr x[rbp], INITx  # initialize locals
            mov     dword ptr y[rbp], INITy 
            lea     rdi, tableHead1[rip]    # print heading
            call    puts@plt
            lea     rdi, tableHead2[rip]
            call    puts@plt
            mov     ecx, z[rip]   # print variables
            mov     edx, y[rbp]
            mov     esi, x[rbp]
            lea     rdi, format[rip]
            mov     eax, 0
            call    printf@plt
            call    addConst0       # add to variables
            call    addConst1
            call    addConst0
            call    addConst1
            mov     ecx, z[rip]   # print variables
            mov     edx, y[rbp]
            mov     esi, x[rbp]
            lea     rdi, format[rip]
            mov     eax, 0
            call    printf@plt
            mov     eax, 0      # return 0;
            mov     rsp, rbp    # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp         # and caller frame pointer
    # addConst2.s
    # Adds constant to automatic, static, global variables.
            .intel_syntax noprefix
    # Stack frame
            .equ    x,-4
            .equ    localSize,-16
    # Useful constants
            .equ    ADDITION0,1000
            .equ    ADDITION1,2000
            .equ    INITx,78
            .equ    INITy,90
            .equ    INITn,0
    # Constant data
            .section  .rodata
            .align  8
            .string "In addConst0:%8i %8i %8i  called %i times\n"
            .string "In addConst1:%8i %8i %8i  called %i times\n"
    # Define static variables
            .align 4
            .type   y_addConst0, @object
            .int    INITy
            .type   n_addConst0, @object
            .int    INITn
            .type   y_addConst1, @object
            .int    INITy
            .type   n_addConst1, @object
            .int    INITn
    # Code
            .globl  addConst0
            .type   addConst0, @function
            push    rbp           # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp      # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            mov     dword ptr x[rbp], INITx   # initialize
            inc     dword ptr n_addConst0[rip]
            add     dword ptr x[rbp], ADDITION0 # add to vars
            add     dword ptr y_addConst0[rip], ADDITION0
            add     dword ptr z[rip], ADDITION0
            mov     r8d, n_addConst0[rip]
            mov     ecx, z[rip]   # print variables
            mov     edx, y_addConst0[rip]
            mov     esi, x[rbp]
            lea     rdi, format0[rip]
            mov     eax, 0          # no floats
            call    printf@plt
            mov     eax, 0      # return 0;
            mov     rsp, rbp    # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp         # and caller frame pointer
            .globl  addConst1
            .type   addConst1, @function
            push    rbp           # save frame pointer
            mov     rbp, rsp      # set new frame pointer
            add     rsp, localSize  # for local var.
            mov     dword ptr x[rbp], INITx   # initialize
            inc     dword ptr n_addConst1[rip]
            add     dword ptr x[rbp], ADDITION1 # add to vars
            add     dword ptr y_addConst1[rip], ADDITION1
            add     dword ptr z[rip], ADDITION1
            mov     r8d, n_addConst1[rip]
            mov     ecx, z[rip]   # print variables
            mov     edx, y_addConst1[rip]
            mov     esi, x[rbp]
            lea     rdi, format1[rip]
            mov     eax, 0          # no floats
            call    printf@plt
            mov     eax, 0      # return 0;
            mov     rsp, rbp    # restore stack pointer
            pop     rbp         # and caller frame pointer