Chapter 16
Page 343
My first thought was that I only needed to change
with the proper bit pattern and then change theand al, upperMask
instruction toand al, upperMask
in order to change thetoUpper
function to give me thetoLower
function. If you tried this, what happened? I got a segmentation fault. What caused this problem? Hint: running undergdb
, set a breakpoint at thecmp al, NUL
instruction in thetoLower
function and test the program with just one or two input characters. Here’s how I modified the algorithm for thetoLower
function.# toLower.s # Converts alphabetic characters in a C string to lower case. # Calling sequence: # rdi <- pointer to source string # rsi <- pointer to destination string # returns number of characters processed. .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ count,-4 .equ localSize,-16 # Useful constants .equ lowerMask,0x20 .equ NUL,0 # Code .text .globl toLower .type toLower, @function toLower: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov dword ptr count[rbp], 0 dowhileLoop: mov al, byte ptr [rdi] # char from source mov byte ptr [rsi], al # char to destination cmp al, NUL # was it the end? je allDone # yes, all done or byte ptr [rsi], lowerMask # no, make sure it's lower inc rdi # increment inc rsi # pointers inc dword ptr count[rbp] # and counter jmp dowhileLoop # continue loop allDone: mov eax, dword ptr count[rbp] # return count mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
# lowerCase.s # Makes user alphabetic text string all lowercase .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ myString,-64 .equ canary,-8 .equ localSize,-64 # Useful constants .equ MAX,50 # character buffer limit .equ NUL,0 # Constant data .section .rodata .align 8 prompt: .string "Enter up to 50 alphabetic characters: " message: .string "All lower: " newLine: .string "\n" # Code .text .globl main .type main, @function main: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov rax, qword ptr fs:40 # get canary mov qword ptr canary[rbp], rax lea rdi, prompt[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov esi, MAX # limit user input lea rdi, myString[rbp] # place to store input call readLn lea rsi, myString[rbp] # destination string lea rdi, myString[rbp] # source string call toLower lea rdi, message[rip] # tell user call writeStr lea rdi, myString[rbp] # result call writeStr lea rdi, newLine[rip] # some formatting call writeStr mov eax, 0 # return 0; mov rcx, qword ptr canary[rbp] xor rcx, qword ptr fs:40 je allOK call __stack_chk_fail@plt allOK: mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
# changeCase.s # Changes user alphabetic text to opposite case .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ myString,-64 .equ canary,-8 .equ localSize,-64 # Useful constants .equ MAX,50 # character buffer limit .equ NUL,0 # Constant data .section .rodata .align 8 prompt: .string "Enter up to 50 alphabetic characters: " message: .string "Opposite case: " newLine: .string "\n" # Code .text .globl main .type main, @function main: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov rax, qword ptr fs:40 # get canary mov qword ptr canary[rbp], rax lea rdi, prompt[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov esi, MAX # limit user input lea rdi, myString[rbp] # place to store input call readLn lea rsi, myString[rbp] # destination string lea rdi, myString[rbp] # source string call change lea rdi, message[rip] # tell user call writeStr lea rdi, myString[rbp] # result call writeStr lea rdi, newLine[rip] # some formatting call writeStr mov eax, 0 # return 0; mov rcx, qword ptr canary[rbp] xor rcx, qword ptr fs:40 je allOK call __stack_chk_fail@plt allOK: mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
# change.s # Changes case of alphabetic characters in a C string. # Calling sequence: # rdi <- pointer to source string # rsi <- pointer to destination string # returns number of characters processed. .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ count,-4 .equ localSize,-16 # Useful constants .equ changeMask,0x20 .equ NUL,0 # Code .text .globl change .type change, @function change: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov dword ptr count[rbp], 0 dowhileLoop: mov al, byte ptr [rdi] # char from source mov byte ptr [rsi], al # char to destination cmp al, NUL # was it the end? je allDone # yes, all done xor byte ptr [rsi], changeMask # no, change to other inc rdi # increment inc rsi # pointers inc dword ptr count[rbp] # and counter jmp dowhileLoop # continue loop allDone: mov eax, dword ptr count[rbp] # return count mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
function callstoLower
, which is just above, andtoUpper
, which is Listing 16-6 in the book.# bothCases.s # Makes user alphabetic text string both cases .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ upperCase,-164 .equ lowerCase,-112 .equ myString,-60 .equ canary,-8 .equ localSize,-176 # Useful constants .equ upperMask,0xdf .equ MAX,50 # character buffer limit .equ NUL,0 # Constant data .section .rodata .align 8 prompt: .string "Enter up to 50 alphabetic characters: " upperMsg: .string "All upper: " lowerMsg: .string "All lower: " origMsg: .string "Original: " newLine: .string "\n" # Code .text .globl main .type main, @function main: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov rax, qword ptr fs:40 # get canary mov qword ptr canary[rbp], rax lea rdi, prompt[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov esi, MAX # limit user input lea rdi, myString[rbp] # place to store input call readLn lea rsi, upperCase[rbp] # destination string lea rdi, myString[rbp] # source string call toUpper lea rsi, lowerCase[rbp] # destination string lea rdi, myString[rbp] # source string call toLower lea rdi, upperMsg[rip] # tell user call writeStr lea rdi, upperCase[rbp] # result call writeStr lea rdi, newLine[rip] # some formatting call writeStr lea rdi, lowerMsg[rip] # tell user call writeStr lea rdi, lowerCase[rbp] # result call writeStr lea rdi, newLine[rip] # some formatting call writeStr lea rdi, origMsg[rip] # tell user call writeStr lea rdi, myString[rbp] call writeStr lea rdi, newLine[rip] # some formatting call writeStr mov eax, 0 # return 0; mov rcx, qword ptr canary[rbp] xor rcx, qword ptr fs:40 je allOK call __stack_chk_fail@plt allOK: mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
Page 351
/* convertHex.c * Gets hex number from user and stores it as int. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "writeStr.h" #include "readLn.h" #include "hexToInt.h" #define MAX 20 int main() { char theString[MAX]; long int theInt; int count; writeStr("Enter up to 16 hex characters: "); readLn(theString, MAX); count = hexToInt(theString, &theInt); printf("The %i characers %lx = %li\n", count, theInt, theInt); return 0; }
/* hexToInt.h * Converts hex character string to int. * Returns number of characters. */ #ifndef HEXTOINT_H #define HEXTOINT_H int hexToInt(char *stringPtr, long int *intPtr); #endif
# hexToInt.s # Converts hex characters in a C string to int. # Calling sequence: # rdi <- pointer to source string # rsi <- pointer to long int result # returns number of chars converted .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ count,-4 .equ localSize,-16 # Useful constants .equ GAP,0x07 .equ NUMMASK,0x0f # also works for lower case .equ NUL,0 .equ NINE,0x39 # ASCII for '9' # Code .text .globl hexToInt .type hexToInt, @function hexToInt: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov dword ptr count[rbp], 0 # count = 0 mov qword ptr [rsi], 0 # initialize to 0 mov al, byte ptr [rdi] # get a char whileLoop: cmp al, NUL # end of string? je allDone # yes, all done cmp al, NINE # no, is it alpha? jbe numeral # no, nothing else to do sub al, GAP # yes, numeral to alpha gap numeral: and al, NUMMASK # convert to 4-bit int sal qword ptr [rsi], 4 # make room or byte ptr [rsi], al # insert the 4 bits inc dword ptr count[rbp] # count++ inc rdi # increment string ptr mov al, byte ptr [rdi] # next char jmp whileLoop # and continue allDone: mov eax, dword ptr count[rbp] # return count mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
When testing your solution, make sure to try
. That’s a1
followed by 217
s.# convertOctal.s .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ myString,-48 .equ myInt, -16 .equ canary,-8 .equ localSize,-48 # Useful constants .equ MAX,23 # character buffer limit # Constant data .section .rodata .align 8 prompt: .string "Enter up to 21 octal characters (can be prefaced by 1): " format: .string "0%lo = %li\n" # Code .text .globl main .type main, @function main: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov rax, qword ptr fs:40 # get canary mov qword ptr canary[rbp], rax lea rdi, prompt[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov esi, MAX # get user input lea rdi, myString[rbp] call readLn lea rsi, myInt[rbp] # for result lea rdi, myString[rbp] # convert to int call octalToInt mov rdx, myInt[rbp] # converted value mov rsi, myInt[rbp] lea rdi, format[rip] # printf format string mov eax, 0 call printf mov eax, 0 # return 0; mov rcx, qword ptr canary[rbp] xor rcx, qword ptr fs:40 je allOK call __stack_chk_fail@plt allOK: mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
# octalToInt.s # Converts octal characters in a C string to int. # Calling sequence: # rdi <- pointer to source string # rsi <- pointer to long int result # returns number of chars converted .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ count,-4 .equ localSize,-16 # Useful constants .equ NUMMASK,0x07 .equ NUL,0 # Code .text .globl octalToInt .type octalToInt, @function octalToInt: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov dword ptr count[rbp], 0 # count = 0 mov qword ptr [rsi], 0 # initialize to 0 mov al, byte ptr [rdi] # get a char whileLoop: cmp al, NUL # end of string? je allDone # yes, all done and al, NUMMASK # convert to 4-bit int sal qword ptr [rsi], 3 # make room or byte ptr [rsi], al # insert the 3 bits inc dword ptr count[rbp] # count++ inc rdi # increment string ptr mov al, byte ptr [rdi] # next char jmp whileLoop # and continue allDone: mov eax, dword ptr count[rbp] # return count mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
Page 360
function in this program callsdecToUInt
, Listing 16-18 in the book.# convertSDec.s .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ myString,-48 .equ myInt, -12 .equ canary,-8 .equ localSize,-48 # Useful constants .equ MAX,11 # character buffer limit # Constant data .section .rodata .align 8 prompt: .string "Enter a signed integer: " format: .string "\"%s\" is stored as 0x%x\n" # Code .text .globl main .type main, @function main: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov rax, qword ptr fs:40 # get canary mov qword ptr canary[rbp], rax lea rdi, prompt[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov esi, MAX # get user input lea rdi, myString[rbp] call readLn lea rsi, myInt[rbp] # for result lea rdi, myString[rbp] # convert to int call decToSInt mov edx, myInt[rbp] # converted value lea rsi, myString[rbp] # echo user input lea rdi, format[rip] # printf format string mov eax, 0 call printf mov eax, 0 # return 0; mov rcx, qword ptr canary[rbp] xor rcx, qword ptr fs:40 je allOK call __stack_chk_fail@plt allOK: mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
# decToSInt.s # Converts string of numerals to signed decimal int # Calling sequence # rsi <- address of place to store the int # rdi <- address of string # call decToSInt # returns 0 .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ negFlag,-4 .equ localSize,-16 # Code .text .globl decToSInt .type decToSInt, @function decToSInt: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov dword ptr negFlag[rbp], 0 # assume false cmp byte ptr [rdi], '-' # minus sign? jne checkPlus # no, check for plus sign mov dword ptr negFlag[rbp], 1 # negFlag = true; inc rdi # skip minus sign jmp doIt # and do the conversion checkPlus: cmp byte ptr [rdi], '+' # plus sign? jne doIt # no, ready for conversion inc rdi # skip plus sign doIt: call decToUInt # arguments are correct # absolute value now stored cmp byte ptr negFlag[rbp], 0 # negative? je done # no, all done neg dword ptr [rsi] # change sign done: mov eax, 0 # return 0; mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
Use the
function inconvertDec.s
, Listing 16-17 in the book.# decToUIntNomul.s # Converts decimal character string to unsigned 32-bit int. # Calling sequence: # rdi <- pointer to source string # rsi <- pointer to int result # returns 0 .intel_syntax noprefix # Useful constants .equ DECIMAL,10 .equ NUMMASK,0x0f .equ NUL,0 # Code .text .globl decToUInt .type decToUInt, @function decToUInt: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer mov dword ptr [rsi], 0 # result = 0 mov al, byte ptr [rdi] # get a char whileLoop: cmp al, NUL # end of string? je allDone # yes, all done and eax, NUMMASK # no, 4-bits -> 32-bit int mov ecx, dword ptr [rsi] # current result mov edx, ecx # get a copy sal edx, 1 # X 2 sal ecx, 3 # X 8 add ecx, edx # gives X 10 add ecx, eax # add the new value mov dword ptr [rsi], ecx # update result inc rdi # increment string ptr mov al, byte ptr [rdi] # next char jmp whileLoop # and continue allDone: mov dword ptr [rsi], ecx # output result mov eax, 0 # return 0 mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
Page 370
I modified the
function in Listing 16-23 in the book to test myintToSDec
function.# intToSDec.s # Converts int to corresponding signed decimal string # Calling sequence # esi <- value of the int # rdi <- address of string # call intToSDec # returns zero .intel_syntax noprefix # Code .text .globl intToSDec .type intToSDec, @function intToSDec: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer cmp esi, 0 # >= 0? jge positive # yes, just convert it mov byte ptr [rdi], '-' # store minus sign inc rdi # and move the pointer neg esi # negate the number positive: call intToUDec # rest is unsigned mov eax, 0 # return 0; mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
# sAdd123.s # Adds 123 to an int. .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ myString,-32 .equ myInt, -12 .equ canary,-8 .equ localSize,-32 # Useful constants .equ MAX,12 # character buffer limit # Constant data .section .rodata .align 8 prompt: .string "Enter a signed integer: " message: .string "The result is: " endl: .string "\n" # Code .text .globl main .type main, @function main: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov rax, qword ptr fs:40 # get canary mov qword ptr canary[rbp], rax lea rdi, prompt[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov esi, MAX # get user input lea rdi, myString[rbp] call readLn lea rsi, myInt[rbp] # for result lea rdi, myString[rbp] # convert to int call decToSInt mov eax, dword ptr myInt[rbp] add eax, 123 mov dword ptr myInt[rbp], eax mov esi, myInt[rbp] # the number lea rdi, myString[rbp] # place for string call intToSDec lea rdi, message[rip] # message for user call writeStr lea rdi, myString[rbp] # number in text call writeStr lea rdi, endl[rip] call writeStr mov eax, 0 # return 0; mov rcx, qword ptr canary[rbp] xor rcx, qword ptr fs:40 je allOK call __stack_chk_fail@plt allOK: mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
To test the
functions, I wrote amain
function that adds 345 to the integer input by the user. Notice thatputInt
, which in turn callsintToUDec
, so you have to include these function in your linking command. Likewise, you need to also includedecToSInt
in your linking.# putInt.s # writes a signed int to standard out # Calling sequence # edi <- value of the int # call putInt .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame .equ canary,-8 .equ buffer,-20 .equ localSize,-32 # Code .text .globl putInt .type putInt, @function putInt: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov rax, fs:40 # get canary mov canary[rbp], rax # and save mov esi, edi # number to convert lea rdi, buffer[rbp] # place to store string call intToSDec # do the conversion to string lea rdi, buffer[rbp] # place where string stored call writeStr # write it mov eax, 0 mov rsi, canary[rbp] xor rsi, fs:40 je stackGood call __stack_chk_fail@plt stackGood: mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
# getInt.s # reads an int from standard in # Calling sequence # rdi <- pointer where to store the int # call getInt # returns 0 .intel_syntax noprefix # Useful contant .equ MAX, 12 # includes NUL char and sign # Stack frame .equ canary,-8 .equ outPtr,-16 .equ buffer,-32 .equ localSize,-32 # Code .text .globl getInt .type getInt, @function getInt: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. mov rax, fs:40 # get canary mov canary[rbp], rax # and save mov outPtr[rbp], rdi # save argument mov esi, MAX # max number of chars lea rdi, buffer[rbp] # place where string stored call readLn # read it mov rsi, outPtr[rbp] # place to store number lea rdi, buffer[rbp] # address of string call decToSInt # convert string to int mov eax, 0 mov rsi, canary[rbp] xor rsi, fs:40 je stackGood call __stack_chk_fail@plt stackGood: mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
# add345.s # Adds 345 to integer input by user. .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame # local vars (rbp) .equ myInt,-4 .equ localSize,-16 # Read only data .section .rodata prompt: .string "Enter an integer: " newLine: .string "\n" # Code .text .globl main .type main, @function main: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. lea rdi, prompt[rip] # prompt user call writeStr lea rdi, myInt[rbp] call getInt mov edi, myInt[rbp] add edi, 345 call putInt lea rdi, newLine[rip] # some formatting call writeStr mov eax, 0 mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret
function in this program uses theputInt
and ‘getInt` functions that we wrote in the previous exercise.# fourFunctions.s # Gets two integers, adds, subtracts, mutliplies # and divides them. .intel_syntax noprefix # Stack frame # local vars (rbp) .equ xInt,-4 .equ yInt,-8 .equ rem,-12 .equ localSize,-16 # Read only data .section .rodata prompt: .string "Enter an integer: " sum: .string "Sum = " diff: .string "Difference = " prod: .string "Product = " quot: .string "Quotient = " remain: .string " with Remainder = " newLine: .string "\n" # Code .text .globl main .type main, @function main: push rbp # save frame pointer mov rbp, rsp # set new frame pointer add rsp, localSize # for local var. lea rdi, prompt[rip] # first integer call writeStr lea rdi, xInt[rbp] call getInt lea rdi, prompt[rip] # second integer call writeStr lea rdi, yInt[rbp] call getInt lea rdi, sum[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov edi, xInt[rbp] add edi, yInt[rbp] call putInt lea rdi, newLine[rip] # some formatting call writeStr lea rdi, diff[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov edi, xInt[rbp] sub edi, yInt[rbp] call putInt lea rdi, newLine[rip] # some formatting call writeStr lea rdi, prod[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov edi, xInt[rbp] imul edi, yInt[rbp] call putInt lea rdi, newLine[rip] # some formatting call writeStr lea rdi, quot[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov edx, 0 mov eax, xInt[rbp] idiv dword ptr yInt[rbp] mov rem[rbp], edx mov edi, eax call putInt lea rdi, remain[rip] # prompt user call writeStr mov edi, rem[rbp] call putInt lea rdi, newLine[rip] # some formatting call writeStr mov eax, 0 mov rsp, rbp # restore stack pointer pop rbp # and caller frame pointer ret